Annual General Meetings
Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry Association
In accordance with PPCLI Association Bylaw # 1, the Association must conduct an Annual General Meeting (AGM) no later than 18 months and also not later than 6 months after the end of the previous fiscal year. The Association normally conducts the AGM in various locations across Canada so that members from the various geographic areas have an opportunity to attend. Due to the onset of COVID-19, In 2020, the AGM was conducted virtually and as we are still in the grips of COVID-19, In 2021 the AGM will once again be a virtual meeting on 1 May at 1300hrs Ontario time (EDT UTC-4).
Branches and members will be able to participate in the AGM via video conferencing. This will provide all members with the opportunity to express their views and provide input on the many issues facing the Association. To vote at the AGM, you must be a paid-up member.
The Agenda, past minutes, director reports and other supporting documents will be posted to this website.
Minutes of the 73rd Annual AGM (Virtual)
Please find attached the Minutes of the 73rd Annual AGM held Virtually on 1 May 2021 Minutes 73rd Virtual AGM 1 May 2021
2021 73rd AGM Slide Deck
The Slide deck for the 2021 73rd Annual AGM held virtually is now available on the AGM page. 2021 73rd AGM slide deck_29 April 21
73 Notice of AGM Updated
Fellow Patricias Please find attached (210416 Agenda and Notice of AGM 2021.pdf) an updated AGM for 1 May. The majority of reports have been posted to the PPCLI Association website at and will be updated as additional...
Additional Documents for 2021 AGM
Four additional documents have been added to the 2021 AGM Page. These include Minutes 72nd Virtual AGM 23 May 2020 final with Resolutions, 7.2 2020 Finance Committee Report, 7.9 VPP 2021 AGM Report, and 8.1 Proposed 2022 Association Budget.
2021 Spring NewsLetter
From our National President Paul Hale:Fellow Patricias Please find attached the 2021 Spring Newsletter. The newsletter is mainly focused on the AGM. Please ensure that anyone who wishes to participate registers with Terri Orser by 15 April, by email...
Agenda and Notice of 73nd AGM 2021 (Virtual)
Due to the COVID-19 Virus and regulations regarding gatherings, a decision was made to once again conduct the AGM as a Virtual Meeting to be held on 1 May 2021 at 1300 hrs EDT. For more information go to AGM in them main menu then select 2021 AGM Documents. Here you...
2021 AGM Documents
Below you will find the documents that will be used at the 2021 Virtual AGM. All files will be converted to PDF format and posted here when available.. Click on the Title to Download (All documents in PDF format)210425 Agenda and Notice of AGM...
2020 AGM Documents
We have just added the Minutes, Resolutions, and Reports of the 2020 AGM held Virtually on the 23rd of May at 1300 hrs. 2020 AGM Documents
Agenda and Notice of 72nd AGM 2020 (Virtual)
Due to the COVID-19 Virus and regulations regarding gatherings, a decision was made to conduct the AGM as a Virtual Meeting. 200417 Agenda and Notice of AGM 2020Download 200414 Virtual AGM SR 01-20 (Msn) FDownload 200414 Virtual AGM SR 02-20 (Objects) FDownload 200414...
Special Resolutions
We have added three resolutions to the 2020 AGM Documents page. AGM SPECIAL RESOLUTION 01-20 A Special Resolution, approving a PPCLI Association Mission Statement for use in Regimental and Association documents, AGM SPECIAL RESOLUTION 02-20 A Special Resolution...