Fellow Patricias
    Please find attached (210416 Agenda and Notice of AGM 2021.pdf) an updated AGM for 1 May.  The majority of reports have been posted to the PPCLI Association website at https://ppcliassn.ca/2021-agm-documents/   and will be updated as additional reports and resolutions are completed.

     Currently we have about 32 registered and we require min of 30 for a quorum.  Please encourage your Members to register for the AGM.

    Members who wish to participate by teleconference must register ASAP.  Branch Presidents are requested to canvass their members and provide a consolidated list to the PPCLI Association Secretary, Terri Orser via email svizone@gmail.com.     Or members can register individually if it is not possible to use a centralized location.  The following information is required to register for the Virtual AGM:

1.       Name;

2.       Branch;

3.       Email Address; and

4.       Phone number.    There will be a phone in capability for those who do not have computer access.  The details for connecting to the AGM will be provided to all registered members by 25 April 2021. 

Paul Hale
President – PPCLI Association Chair – HGMF

Once a Patricia, Always a Patricia