Annual General Meetings
Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry Association
In accordance with PPCLI Association Bylaw # 1, the Association must conduct an Annual General Meeting (AGM) no later than 18 months and also not later than 6 months after the end of the previous fiscal year. The Association normally conducts the AGM in various locations across Canada so that members from the various geographic areas have an opportunity to attend. Due to the onset of COVID-19, In 2020, the AGM was conducted virtually and as we are still in the grips of COVID-19, In 2021 the AGM will once again be a virtual meeting on 1 May at 1300hrs Ontario time (EDT UTC-4).
Branches and members will be able to participate in the AGM via video conferencing. This will provide all members with the opportunity to express their views and provide input on the many issues facing the Association. To vote at the AGM, you must be a paid-up member.
The Agenda, past minutes, director reports and other supporting documents will be posted to this website.
Minutes HGMF AGM 7 Aug 19
Minutes of the Hamilton Gault Memorial Fund Annual General Meeting of the Membership for 7 August 2019 at Saint Albert’s Inn, Saint Albert, Alberta have now been added to the website for your information. Please find the documents under the AGM menu.
HGMF 2018 Documents
Document for the Hamilton Gault Memorial Fund Trusties meetings have now been upload and can be found under the AGM menu.
2019 AGM Documents
All the documents for the 2019 AGM have now been posted to this site. Click here to go to the new page.
Minutes from the 2018 AGM
Please find attached the Minutes from of the 70th Annual General Meeting that was on the 26 May 2018 At Medicine Hat , Alberta These minutes and financial statments are being provided to you for review prior to the 71st 2019 AGM being held in Edmonton Alberta 70th AGM...