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Call Letter – 2023 Patrician

Good afternoon once again fellow Patricias! Attached you will find the writing and submission instructions from Regimental Headquarters (RHQ) for the 2023 Patrician.  I would ask that you kindly share this across your branch memberships.  A couple of points...

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Call Letter – Fall 2023 Newsletter

Good afternoon fellow Patricias, As your new National Communications Director, I am writing to you today to invite you and the collective membership to submit articles and photos for the Fall 2023 PPCLI Association Newsletter. The theme this fall is: Marching to...

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Canada’s top soldier remembers the Battle of Medak Pocket

Canada’s top soldier remembers the Battle of Medak Pocket

It is sometimes called Canada's "forgotten battle." Thirty years ago this week, Canadian soldiers on a peacekeeping mission fought a pitched battle against Croatian forces near the village of Medak in the former Yugoslavia. Today, military members marked the...

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Help Purchase Lady Patricia’s Medals

The Mountbatten Medal Group (Lady Patricia's Medals) is currently up for auction with a closing date of 20 July. This medal group is unique and would be a significant artifact for the PPCLI Museum and archives. The medal group is valued at between $7000-$10,000. It is...

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COR Quarterly Update – Jun 23

 INTRODUCTION  1. My wife, Carol, and I completed a cruise celebrating our 45th Anniversary this past winter and were back in Canada in early May. At that time I’m delighted to say I was able to fully assume the Colonel of the Regiment responsibilities. My...

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PPCLI – Regimental Day Messages

Please see attached Regimental Day messages from the C-in-C and a special combined COR message from both General Romses and General Kennedy. PPCLI-C-in-Cs-2023-Regimental-Day-MessageDownload PPCLI-CORs-2023-Regimental-Day-MessageDownload

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