Latest News
Funeral for LCol Retired Richard Ovey – RGJ Exchange Officer with the 1 PPCLI 1993 to 1996
Richard (Dick) James Danforth Ovey (Lt Col, Retired, The Rifles) died suddenly on 27th October 2023, aged 56. He was surrounded by his immediate family and friends. Beloved husband of Pippa and father of Richard, adored son of Richard and Gillian, and brother of Clare...
PPCLI Association Fall 2023 Newsletter

Regimental Museum Donation – CWO (Ret’d) Berkeley Albert James Franklin’s Medals
PPCLI Regimental Family, Global News Calgary recently interviewed our Regimental Museum Collections NCO, Cpl Andrew Mullett, about an important piece of regimental history being donated to the museum collection. The video can be found at this link. The medals will...
Fall 2023 Association Newsletter Reminder
Good afternoon Fellow Patricias, Thanks to all who have already submitted articles for the Fall 2023 Association Newsletter. For those who have yet to submit, just a reminder: The theme this fall is: Marching to the 110th! As such, in addition to submitting articles...

2023 Imjin Classic Hockey Game
Fellow Patricias,On 27 October 2023, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea and the Canadian Army will host the ImjinClassic Hockey Game between the PPCLI and the R22eR to commemorate a game played between thetwo regiments while serving in the Korean War on 11 March...
Call Letter – 2023 Patrician
Good afternoon once again fellow Patricias! Attached you will find the writing and submission instructions from Regimental Headquarters (RHQ) for the 2023 Patrician. I would ask that you kindly share this across your branch memberships. A couple of points...
Call Letter – Fall 2023 Newsletter
Good afternoon fellow Patricias, As your new National Communications Director, I am writing to you today to invite you and the collective membership to submit articles and photos for the Fall 2023 PPCLI Association Newsletter. The theme this fall is: Marching to...

Canada’s top soldier remembers the Battle of Medak Pocket
It is sometimes called Canada's "forgotten battle." Thirty years ago this week, Canadian soldiers on a peacekeeping mission fought a pitched battle against Croatian forces near the village of Medak in the former Yugoslavia. Today, military members marked the...
Regimental Birthday Messages
E. COR Regimental Birthday Message 2023 CinC Regimental Birthday Message 2023 - AC.doc
MWO Dan Denkowycz DWD
Click to view the DWD InviteClick to Download the DWD Invite