2021 Student Bursary

Please see the attached 2020 PPCLI Association Student Bursaries application form. 2021 Educational Bursary Terms of Reference 2021

2021 Spring NewsLetter

From our National President Paul Hale:Fellow Patricias    Please find attached the 2021 Spring Newsletter.  The newsletter is mainly focused on the AGM. Please ensure that anyone who wishes to participate registers with Terri Orser by 15 April, by email...

Agenda and Notice of 73nd AGM 2021 (Virtual)

Due to the COVID-19 Virus and regulations regarding gatherings, a decision was made to once again conduct the AGM as a Virtual Meeting to be held on 1 May 2021 at 1300 hrs EDT. For more information go to AGM in them main menu then select 2021 AGM Documents. Here you...

Cadet Hat Badges and Shoulder Titles 2021

The PPCLI Association in cooperation with Regimental Headquarters of the PPCLI will continue to provide hat badges and shoulder titles to our 11 PPCLI Cadet Corps. This programme is intended to show the Corps that we do indeed care about their wellbeing and ensure...

Agenda and Notice of 72nd AGM 2020 (Virtual)

Due to the COVID-19 Virus and regulations regarding gatherings, a decision was made to conduct the AGM as a Virtual Meeting. 200417 Agenda and Notice of AGM 2020Download 200414 Virtual AGM SR 01-20 (Msn) FDownload 200414 Virtual AGM SR 02-20 (Objects) FDownload 200414...

Special Resolutions

We have added three resolutions to the 2020 AGM Documents page. AGM SPECIAL RESOLUTION 01-20 A Special Resolution, approving a PPCLI Association Mission Statement for use in Regimental and Association documents, AGM SPECIAL RESOLUTION 02-20 A Special Resolution...