77th AGM Halifax

PPCLI Association AGM 77th 23-24 May 2025Download Registration Form – 77th AGM Halifax 23-24 May 2025.v2Download Online Registration Form- 77th AGM Halifax

73 Notice of AGM Updated

Fellow Patricias    Please find attached (210416 Agenda and Notice of AGM 2021.pdf) an updated AGM for 1 May.  The majority of reports have been posted to the PPCLI Association website at https://ppcliassn.ca/2021-agm-documents/   and will be updated as additional...

Additional Documents for 2021 AGM

Four additional documents have been added to the 2021 AGM Page. These include Minutes 72nd Virtual AGM 23 May 2020 final with Resolutions, 7.2 2020 Finance Committee Report, 7.9 VPP 2021 AGM Report, and 8.1 Proposed 2022 Association Budget.

2021 Spring NewsLetter

From our National President Paul Hale:Fellow Patricias    Please find attached the 2021 Spring Newsletter.  The newsletter is mainly focused on the AGM. Please ensure that anyone who wishes to participate registers with Terri Orser by 15 April, by email...