PPCLI Association Newsletters

Stay up to date with all our latest news on this page with our semi-annual newsletter.
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Call Letter – Fall 2023 Newsletter

Good afternoon fellow Patricias, As your new National Communications Director, I am writing to you today to invite you and the collective membership to submit articles and photos for the Fall 2023 PPCLI Association Newsletter. The theme this fall is: Marching to...

2021 Spring NewsLetter

From our National President Paul Hale:Fellow Patricias    Please find attached the 2021 Spring Newsletter.  The newsletter is mainly focused on the AGM. Please ensure that anyone who wishes to participate registers with Terri Orser by 15 April, by email...

2018 Spring Newsletter

Its a little late, but I just figured out how to post to the Website. Enjoy the 2018 Spring Newsletter. 2018 Spring newsletter 12 Apr 18Download