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HGMF 2018 Documents
Document for the Hamilton Gault Memorial Fund Trusties meetings have now been upload and can be found under the AGM menu.
2019 AGM Documents
All the documents for the 2019 AGM have now been posted to this site. Click here to go to the new page.
2019 Spring Newsletter
PPCLI Association Spring Newsletter Final 25 May 19Download
PPCLI Association and Hamilton Gault Memorial Fund Fundraising Plan
Please see the attached letter that details the PPCLI Associations and the Hamilton Gault Memorial Fund Fundraising plans. Please Give Generously 190210 HGMF Fundraising LetterDownload
10 Reasons to join the PPCLI Association
1. Once a Patricia, Always a Patricia. We are all part of this Regimental family. Regardless of your background, your length of service or your ‘next bound’. You will always be a Patricia and welcome in The Association. Did you know that the Association...
Volunteer Patricia Program / Mental Health and Suicide Awareness
Since June 2017, Dave Pentney has been the VPP Facilitator and the main driving force behind the support that we have been providing to various veterans in need. As of 4 April 2018, VPP has helped 18 veterans. Only two of these individuals were Association...
Lt. James Murdock Christie, MC, DCM – Regimental # 1576
In September 2017, an observation was made on facebook with respect to the condition of the grave of Lt. James Murdock Christie, MC, DCM. Above is a photo of the grave and headstone. The grave is located on Salt Spring Island, BC and is in good condition when you...
2018 Spring Newsletter
Its a little late, but I just figured out how to post to the Website. Enjoy the 2018 Spring Newsletter. 2018 Spring newsletter 12 Apr 18Download
2017 PPCLI Student Bursary Report
General The selection board sat in Wainwright, AB on 27 July 2017. The board consisted of Michael Austdal, Director Bursaries, Jim Croll, Association Treasurer, Major Tony Ross, 3CDTC and MWO Kevin Littlejohn, CMTC. There were 25 applicants, 11 were awarded bursaries...
PPCLI Student Bursary
PRINCESS PATRICIA’S CANADIAN LIGHT INFANTRY ASSOCIATION STUDENT BURSARY The student bursary program was established to provide financial assistance for the purpose of advancing the post-secondary education of applicants. To be eligible, an applicant must be enrolled...