Help Purchase Lady Patricia’s Medals

The Mountbatten Medal Group (Lady Patricia’s Medals) is currently up for auction with a closing date of 20 July. This medal group is unique and would be a significant artifact for the PPCLI Museum and archives. The medal group is valued at between $7000-$10,000....

COR Quarterly Update – Jun 23

 INTRODUCTION  1. My wife, Carol, and I completed a cruise celebrating our 45th Anniversary this past winter and were back in Canada in early May. At that time I’m delighted to say I was able to fully assume the Colonel of the Regiment responsibilities. My...

PPCLI – Regimental Day Messages

Please see attached Regimental Day messages from the C-in-C and a special combined COR message from both General Romses and General Kennedy. PPCLI-C-in-Cs-2023-Regimental-Day-MessageDownload PPCLI-CORs-2023-Regimental-Day-MessageDownload