Student Bursary

Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry Association

The student bursary program was established to provide financial assistance for the purpose of advancing the post-secondary education of applicants.
To be eligible, an applicant must be enrolled with an accredited post-secondary institution.
The bursary awards are applicable to post-secondary students enrolled full-time in university, technical school, community college, or any other accredited degree or diploma granting institution anywhere in the world.
Part-time, correspondence or night school programs are not eligible for the HGMF Student Bursary program.
The number of bursaries per year will be determined by the HGMF Board of Trustees.
In order to be eligible for a HGMF Student Bursary, you must be a serving, former or retired member of the Regiment or their spouse, child or grandchild or a member of a PPCLI Cadet Corps.
Post-Secondary Institutions.
An eligible educational institution is defined as any accredited degree or diploma granting post-secondary institution (i.e. university, community college, or technical school), located anywhere in the world.
Distance learning at an accredited institution are eligible for a Student Bursary.
Application Procedure.
Applications must be received, no later than 15 July, by the Hamilton Gault Memorial Fund Educational Bursary Coordinator via email:
Or by mail:
The bursary recipient(s) must enter the post-secondary institution of his/her choice in the year of application and maintain a course of study leading to a diploma or degree. Part-time, correspondence, or evening courses are not admissible.
It is the obligation of the recipient to maintain satisfactory progress and to submit the Certification Form to the Association Bursary Coordinator on completion of the year.
A Statement of Understanding must be completed prior to the first semester. (Appendixes 2 and 3 will be sent to those selected for a bursary).
The HGMF Board of Trustees will use the selection criteria, based on the applicants’ submission as outlined at Appendix 4 in order to prioritize applicants.
Bursary Blog Posts
Hamilton Gault Memorial Fund 2024 Educational Bursaries
The Hamilton Gault Memorial Fund Educational Bursary program is now accepting applicants for the 2024/2025 Post Secondary School Year! The Hamilton Gault Memorial Fund Educational Bursary program was established to provide financial assistance for the purpose of...
Bursary Application Updated
Please note that due to an email problem, the Bursary applications have been updated to reflect a new email address for submissions. Please see the new application for the information 7.5.1-2021-Educational-Bursary-Terms-of-Reference-2021
PPCLI Student Bursary
PRINCESS PATRICIA’S CANADIAN LIGHT INFANTRY ASSOCIATION STUDENT BURSARY The student bursary program was established to provide financial assistance for the purpose of advancing the post-secondary education of applicants. To be eligible, an applicant must be enrolled...