
PPCLI Association Logo

Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry Association

Watch this space for news on Fundraising to support our Associations efforts.  If your Branch is having a fundraiser that you think we  should share, please contact with the details.

Fundraising News

Stay up to date on all the fundraising news and achievements.

107th Anniversary Bike Ride Fundraiser

107th Anniversary Bike Ride Fundraiser

Fellow Patrica's    Please find attached a letter from Greg Bell of the Ottawa Branch challenging everyone to participate in a fundraiser for the 107th Regimental Anniversary.  The fundraiser will take place on Sunday 8 August.  Yes it is a...

Fundraising for HGMF on Facebook

Nonprofit fundraisers You can create fundraisers on Facebook to benefit the Hamilton Gault memorial Fund. Money raised for nonprofit organizations is paid out to the organization, not a specific person. If the nonprofit chooses to accept donations on Facebook, we...


The CHQ from PPCLI Association Casino Funds was presented at the Colonel Belcher in attendance from the Association Jim Croll Rudy Raidt Tom Rockburne Doug Bedford CHQ was presented to the Friend of the Belcher